Thursday, 12 June 2014


Nothing worth having comes easy and that is true for the challenges faced by the fashion catwalk model and photographer – fast moving requiring split second captioning from both.

We offer catwalk training for photographers and models at our studio in Darlington and having done a good few shows now I have to take my hat off to the experienced model. Yes they need to be able to walk down a catwalk at just the optimum pace and with a certain style, but first, and not to be at all under-rated, is the ability to know the garment and how to wear it, how it hangs and how to show it off. We stress that this should be the first priority for the model during fittings and rehearsals - get a feel for the garment, how does it hang, is there a tendency for a shoulder to slip, how are the sleeves, etc. Once mastered then when on the catwalk they can then concentrate on their walk.

On to the catwalk show itself common failings from the less experienced models on a catwalk are (1) walking too fast (2) looking down (3) as a consequence bending slightly forward (4) placing feet showing soles up and (5) arms swinging too much. Get these tested during rehearsals and organisers will be seeking

·       Back held straight with a slight upward tilt of the head
·       Eyes looking straight ahead
·       Feet placed forward
·       Arms down by your side with only slight movement
·       Walk at a speed to a beat of music but so the audience can have sufficient time to take in the style of the garments being worn

As with all things, the key is practice and to use the rehearsal to gain some confidence. Once you have confidence it comes easy.

There is no lesser challenge for the photographer. Often lighting is a challenge as you can see in these pictures – the big shows may have purpose built lighting, but at many venues we have to do with what is available, tungsten lighting, dimly lit and sometimes in many colours. With its fast moving nature capturing the model requires, (1) knowing your camera and (2) having quick reflexes.


·       Stream line your gear – it can be crowded or in a cramped space. Camera and a couple of lenses (or a single wide range zoom lens) a flash and a mono-pod would be the order of things.
·       Take backstage preparation shots to capture the backstage atmosphere. Usually need a wide angled lens
·       Work on lens settings of around 1/250th of a second at f4.0 and set ISO accordingly to achieve this, often at 400
·       Preferably take pictures in RAW form so that the white balance can be set in post-production, but if not check out the type of lighting. Often a tungsten setting works or at a temperature of about 3200k.
·       Autofocus tracking and continuous shooting is the most automated method of shooting and works well if your camera’s AF can keep up with the models as they strut down the catwalk. Single-shot AF gives you more control so you can decide exactly when to trigger the shutter. Manual focus is possible: pre-focus on a specific spot on the runway; trigger the shutter when the model walks into your frame; repeat quickly.
·       Center-weighted metering tends to work well, especially if the background is either very dark or very light since wide or multi-area metering can be easily fooled. In some situations, you can underexpose just slightly to drop the background into black, eliminate the audience and create a dramatic shot.
·       Look to get three shots: full-length, half-length and head and shoulders/close-up – these appear as the model walks down the runway with a full-length opportunity at the far end or start of the walk.
·       Pay attention to detail in garments for anything unusual and don’t forget the backs, so a shot as the model walks away should not be missed out.

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